Summer Sock Camp!

If you listened to the last podcast episode, you know I’ve been mad knitting in order to focus on socks this summer. I want to finish AT LEAST my tank by June. But summer sock camp starts May 24. And on that day, my focus shifts. PERIOD.

Maybe it’s ADHD, but I love a little pressure.

So here’s the thing. This is my sock summer. This is my leaning into my natural knitting inclinations summer. This is my embracing the truth summer. I loooooove sock knitting.

My husband’s aunt told me they were addictive and she was not kidding. I will always gawk at my favorite sweater patterns. I’ll always have something larger and more ambitious on the needles but my socks….my precious sock… That’s where the party is.

And that’s why I hopped on the summer sock camp bandwagon. As much as I wish I was getting on a plane and heading to another state to join thousands at a camp for sock knitter’s, that’s not what this is. Summer Sock Camp is the catchy name for a summer sock knit-a-long. And I don’t know if Kayla of The Crazy Sock Lady podcast has said this but I think the goal of this “camp” is to go crazy with sock knitting. To knit all the socks. And maybe get a prize for participating. She has so many vendors donating gifts and you know I love an incentive.

And I have major goals!

Summer sock camp is an excuse to obsess over socks. It’s an opportunity to focus on one aspect of my beloved hobby and to pump the brakes on the others. For that reason, I’m eager to take a stab at colorwork socks and (I can’t believe I’m gonna say this) toe up socks.

Below I’m listing the socks on my needles and the socks I hope to cast on in the next month or so. Camp ends in August so I can’t go too crazy. I would like to actually finish these.

Before I share these, I want to share on Kayla, the crazy sock lady. It’s simple. This girl is my inspo. She’s turned her hobby into a legit stream of income without sacrificing it as a hobby. I wonder if that makes sense. She’s doing what she loves, blessing others and making money.

I’ve been knitting for a little over two years. I can’t get enough of it. And to be honest, I’ve guarded it from becoming a gig because I don’t want to rob myself of the joy of recreation. But if we need income (and we do), wouldn’t it be lovely to bring it in through my obsession?

It’s taken Kayla years to get where she is. Only love for the craft could keep her going. So I’m not talking about any schemes here. I’m just inspired to keep doing what I love and see where that takes me.

But Kayla doesn’t only have a YouTube podcast. She’s a designer and you can get her patterns on Ravelry and Etsy. She seems to be doing really well.

Okay now on to the socks.

On the needles?

Vanilla Socks for Adam, knit up in Patons Kroy
A random cast on to see how quickly I can knit up an Aran sock. I dream of selling handknits socks. Right now I’m mostly gathering info and experimenting. I have some cool ideas though…
Cable Rib Socks for a friend
Lace Rib socks for MOI
The above socks are knit up in this lovely yarn you get from Finnished Knits. My affiliate link is at the top of the page. You can’t miss it!

Casting on soon?

These Cherry Swirl Socks knit up in the yarn pictures below by Fleece Artists is EVERYTHING. They are gorgeous.
The Queen Who Never Was socks by Knitty Melissa. I wanted some colorwork socks for the yarn I purchased from Finnished Knits a couple months ago. I pictured the yarn I will use below. Note the cream color will be from Isager which I got from Wool & Company simply because my budget is tight and they offered free shipping. And I will be making a larger purchase from Finnished Knits next month and the shipping fee would be more worth it..

Aren’t those socks GORGEOUS?!

This is a darker yarn but I still think it will be super cute.

I hope to knit them again with a variegated yarn and cream base.

Pine tree socks by L’oro Unico. Another opportunity to dig into some colorwork 
Into the Winter Woods by Anne Lange. I don’t know if I can complete all of these colorwork socks since it’s new to me. But one can dream right?

Notice these all have some cream. Maybe I can get it all from this one skein of Isager. Probably not.


Everyday Diamond Socks by Alex Collins Designs. These are toe up.
I may use this yarn.

I should also note that all these colorwork patterns are FREE.

Honestly Ill probably only get to one colorwork pattern and will continue working on the others in the fall.

I’ll use this lovely Self-striping yarn for my next Vanilla sock.

Boy I have a lot of yarn to wind up by hand. 😅😅😅

Troll socks. Another free pattern. This one’s from Maja Karlsson. This is an Aran sock and will knit up quite quickly.

Also thinking about at least one or two Dk socks.

These are Dk Shorty socks by Summer Lee. There’s no pattern but I saved it for inspo. I really REALLY want her book. My birthday is this month. Is anyone paying attention??!! 😅
This one by Minna Metsanen is not in English so also serves as inspo

Wow. That was a lot. I have big goals. I’m bound to meet some of them right?

Let’s GO!!!!

2 responses to “Summer Sock Camp!”

  1. Monica Avatar

    Wow! I am new to sock knitting and this is very impressive to me! I may have to join in on the Sock Camp if you do it next summer. I have too many things going at the moment to start anything new. Love all these sock patterns.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. comfycozytoo Avatar

      I started knitting socks early last year. It’s been a fun journey. You can totally join in, even if only knitting one sock!

      Liked by 1 person

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I’m Laura

Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet! I’m a homeschool momma of four, writing and podcasting about the joy of leading a knitterly life. Come here for inspiration, healthy escapsim, and a fresh dose of cozy. I’m so happy you’re here.

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