I’m a Christian, yes

Do you practice religion?

I used to be ashamed of the word, religion. It was in and more palatable to say, “Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship.” But I don’t think that’s honest.

Christianity is a religion. It’s a belief system. Some of us believe it’s a true one. We might call it the true religion. Yes, a religion centered on the most significant relationship. A religion centered on communion with God. A deep connection no one can break, because the one thing that separates has been dealt with on the cross of Christ. Because of his work, nothing and no one can separate me from the love of Yah.

This beautiful truth has been a balm to my soul. I’m a child of divorce. I always believed in God and hungered for his love and a place of belonging. For the care my parents couldn’t give and healing I couldn’t find on my own. I found all these things and more in Yah. Therefore no one can take that away from me. I don’t care how unsuitable my beliefs are to you. And yet…I’m so happy you’re here.

See, I used to write solely for other Christians. I wrote about faith and help we can walk more closely with God. I encouraged mothers to press on in the good fight of faith. I taught younger friends how to ponder the Bible and apply it to their lives. This ministry had its place. But I’ve let go of that online presence.

I prefer those things IRL. And while I also enjoy hanging out with knitting friends in real life, I also enjoy it here.

So yes, I practice religion. I’m a Christian. Unashamed. But you won’t read much about that here. This is my knitting blog and I hope everyone who visits my little corner feels welcome and able to join the conversation. For we are more than our spiritual beliefs. We are humans. We are alive. In a broken world. And we’re here for a little respite. Enjoy.

Also, it’s my birthday! I’m 39 years young. And in keeping with my recent blog posts and podcast episodes, I’m asking for friends and readers to consider dropping me a few dollars in my tip jar. I have big dreams for summer knitting and would love more yarn. Many thanks if you’re considering it!

2 responses to “I’m a Christian, yes”

  1. Monica Avatar

    I am also an unashamed Christian! Thank you for sharing your thoughts in this space! 🙂 Have a blessed day!

    Liked by 1 person

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I’m Laura

Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet! I’m a homeschool momma of four, writing and podcasting about the joy of leading a knitterly life. Come here for inspiration, healthy escapsim, and a fresh dose of cozy. I’m so happy you’re here.

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