Unpopular knitting opinions for beginning knitters

Listen to the latest podcast to hear the following unpopular opinions:

1. You can start with whatever you want.

2. You don’t have to use acrylic yarn.

And here are some affordable options if you’re worried about that.

Finnished Knits

Knit Picks Wool of the Andes

Lion Brand Fishermen’s Wool

Drops Extra Fine Merino

3. Get the interchangeable set

You can sell it later if you need to. Would have saved me a lot of money…

4. Skip the chunky knits unless you truly love them.

5. You don’t need a stash.

No one would say you do but social media may convey this message. Now if you plan to knit a lot for kids or you get into color work designs and want to add some creativity, it could be good to have colors to play with like with crayons and markers….

2 responses to “Unpopular knitting opinions for beginning knitters”

  1. Monica Avatar

    I agree with all but especially #3! Should have started with one of them. Much cheaper for sure.


    1. comfycozytoo Avatar

      Right? Like when I think about all the money I’ve spent or all the stress felt over how many needles I needed for a project… *Sigh*

      Liked by 1 person

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I’m Laura

Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet! I’m a homeschool momma of four, writing and podcasting about the joy of leading a knitterly life. Come here for inspiration, healthy escapsim, and a fresh dose of cozy. I’m so happy you’re here.

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